Custom Pet Portrait Painting

golden retriever dog painted in shades of purple with yellow background custom painting
white French bulldog with blue collar custom oil painting
mystery mutt dog laying on his back with paws in the air showing a white stomach green background. oil painting
boxer dog with bully stick in mouth custom oil painting portrait with blue green background
white cocker spaniel oil painting with red background
white boxer dog oil painting portrait dog showing one tooth with a green background
bulldog with cupcake balanced on her nose oil painting with blue background
black pug oil painting with orange background
cat with a sneer brown and white custom oil painting
cat with green eyes custom portrait
boxer dog with flower crown with paw raised to a butterfly custom oil painting
basset hound with soft white wings and stars painting
French Bulldog with New York City skyline in background. custom painting
golden retriever dog painted in shades of purple with yellow background custom painting
white French bulldog with blue collar custom oil painting
mystery mutt dog laying on his back with paws in the air showing a white stomach green background. oil painting
boxer dog with bully stick in mouth custom oil painting portrait with blue green background
white cocker spaniel oil painting with red background
white boxer dog oil painting portrait dog showing one tooth with a green background
bulldog with cupcake balanced on her nose oil painting with blue background
black pug oil painting with orange background
cat with a sneer brown and white custom oil painting
cat with green eyes custom portrait
boxer dog with flower crown with paw raised to a butterfly custom oil painting
basset hound with soft white wings and stars painting
French Bulldog with New York City skyline in background. custom painting

Custom Pet Portrait Painting

from $175.00

This portrait is for pet people, you know who you are...

You know your dog understands every word you say no matter how many times you are told that it's just no so.

You may let your dog sleep in the bed with you even though each night you somehow are relegated to a very small part of the mattress while your animal is stretched out comfortably.

You have actually sniffed your dogs paws because someone told you all dog paws smell like Fritos. (Yes I sniffed my dog's paws, but I live on a farm and they kind of smell like horse poop. Maybe that just works in the city.)

We will work together to create a great memory of your pet! I will work from photographs that you send me and each portrait will be created in my unique style. My paintings are as good as the photographs you send.

Each item can be gift wrapped for free and sent directly to the recipient! Shipping is always FREE!

And a special paws up...there may be, well I'm sure we know there will be other skin folks who will find your portrait pawesome and may want to purchase a print or other products available at my Society6 Store. I do retain the ownership rights to the design, and it may be resold. However, any personal information about your pet will be withheld. But I will honor any requests not to resell your image.If you have any questions please reach out and contact me.

Below is a guideline for prices. Each amount listed is for one animal on the size canvas indicated. If you are looking for sizes not listed please contact me to discuss options. Shipping is free for all portraits.

When considering sizes take the time to determine how you want your portrait to look. A head shot? Any size is appropriate. I can do anything small but you won't be able to see your furry friends' love shining out at you quite as well!

8X8" - $175

10X10" - $250

12X12" - $350

16X16" - $440

20X20" - $550

24X24" - $750

30X30" - $1200

36X36” - $1725

Now go give your pet a hug or a belly rub!

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Copyright Evelyn McCorristin Peters 2023

For custom portraits please allow a minimum of 3 weeks for oil paintings (this may vary dependant on workload, holidays, and size of commission). I will do my best to capture the individuality of your animal, but I need your help by receiving well taken photos. Please send at least two clear, high resolution jpeg photos. If you are unsure of how to do this, contact me and we'll work together to obtain your pictures. My style is represented in the examples shown on this site so the final piece will be reflective of this and not dramatically different. I extend all my effort to ensure you will be satisfied with your piece.

All images created from the photos you provide are copyright protected, the buyer is not entitled to reproduction rights. Please do not print or reproduce my work without permission. The purchase of original art or a print does not transfer copyright. All rights reserved and retained by the artist.

The artist is entitled to use the image created for promotion, advertising, and additional merchandise. The photographs you provide will never be used without your permission.